![]() Whats next for me? Well look above you fool! Yep it's NOR-CON V Also known as Norwich Sci-Fi Convention. When is it? What, can't you read?? Look Above! Its on Sunday the 7th September! I've kindly been asked to be a guest alongside a plethora of TV stars & one other Lee. Based in The Holiday Inn, Norwich North NR6 6JA, There will be lots of Fun for the whole family if you choose to bring them. Celebrity Photo-Shoots, Traders Hall, Autographs, Cosplay Competition, The Simpsons Sofa, Thunderbirds Fab 1, plus loads more! If you want to know who else will be there besides Kai Owen, Chris Barrie, Ben Miller... Well you better check their website: www.nor-con.co.uk Oh & yes I will be taking Pre-Orders! :)
![]() This Weekend is the 1st MCM COMIC CON of the year where I will be returning to The International Centre Telford on 15 February. My first show in MCM Expo’s packed 2014 schedule, you will find me in the Comic Village section of the show. Wether you Want a Sketch, to buy a Print of just have a chat, feel free to pop down & check it out. Whatever the character or challenge, come and surprise me! Bringing a taste of the London Comic Con to Telford, the MCM Midlands Comic Con is a great day out for the whole family – I will look forward to seeing you there. ![]() I am pleased to say I will be at the Inaugural CARDIFF FILM & COMIC CON on August 31st & September 1st in just under Two Weeks! Early entry from 9am. Standard entry from 11am and Doors open: 9am to 6pm both days. Join Me on my next Artistic Pit-Stop around the UK, Get in Early to Guarantee a Sketch, or Pre-book one!
![]() With the Next Show on it's way. I am now taking Pre-Orders for sketches the LONDON Film & ComicCon. Why Pre-Order? Well, I can only produce so many Sketches at a show & it will be 1st come - 1st serve. Once the list is full - IT'S FULL. However if you want to Guarantee a Piece of Artwork for collection at the show, with all my tools at my disposal, Order Now! To place an order simply go to the commissions section of this website & click on the sketch of your choice & let me know when ordering which characters you want, then the order is complete! There is also an option for a £20 Pre-Order sketch on the remaining Avengers & Iron Man Sketch Paper. Simply check the Commissions section for details. All orders come with a Free AVENGERS & IRON MAN Print! For details on the show go here: www.londonfilmandcomiccon.com where you will find me at the top of the Artists & Writers section. ![]() With the MCM London Comiccon swiftly descending upon us, I am opening my Pre-Sketch list. To place an order simply go to the commissions section of this website & click on the sketch of your choice. When ordering just fill in the details of the characters you want, then the order is complete! There is also an option for a £20 Pre-Order sketch on the remaining Avengers & Iron Man Sketch Paper. Simply check the Commissions section for details. All orders come with a Free AVENGERS & IRON MAN Print!
With a brief interlude between posts, here's a quick interview with me at the MCM Comiccon ![]() I am pleased to say I will be a guest at this years Wales Comic Con. This will be my 1st time at the show & I have heard good things so I am looking forward to the event. They have a fantastic Guest List with Sophie Turner from (Game of Thrones) Billy Boyd (Lord of the Rings) Nicholas Brendon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer). The entire Red Dwarf Cast, Warwick Davis, Carlos Bernard from (24 & Dallas), Robert Picardo (Star Trek Voyager, Stargate & Supernatural). Members of the Hobbit, Adam Brown & Jed Brophy. Andrew-Lee Potts (Primeval) Hannah Sperritt (Primeval & SCLUB7), Wrestling legands, Mick Foley, Goldust, Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, Tommy Dreamer.... & The list goes on, from Star Wars to Star Trek, Merlin to Aliens, & Comic Guests Galore! My Pre-show sketch list will be opening soon, so keep your eyes open, Limited Spaces as I have limited time! For more info about the show & who else is attending simply click the poster opposite! Another Weekend, another show though this time it was local. The Memorabilia show was the 1st venue I ever sketched in Public. Though this was way back when The 'Draw The World Together' Charity was there sponsored by NCSOFT. Back then I was drawing under the charities banner with requests from City of Heroes.
January 2018